Introduction to Playing Lethality & Crit Garen Build
Why Lethality and Critical Strike on Garen?
As already mentioned, it’s really hard to take games on Garen these days. His tank/browser style is very playable and he shows off his team a lot. And in solo queue, it’s a version of defeat Lethality & Crit Garen Build – The Easiest Assassin in LoL.
But the key to Garen’s importance is his ability to deal damage (E) and also deal lethality to him. He also has a decent AD ratio, since lethality always increases Garen’s damage.
On the other hand, Garen’s Q, Decisive Strike, powers his basic for additional damage. This means that after you press your Q, Garen’s auto attack will apply all the effects they can and if you have a critical in your build, it will be critical.
But that’s not all! Garen’s E, Judgment, is his spin that deals damage to all enemies near him. This power can also critically strike with every move, giving you a chance to completely eliminate yourself if you decide to crit.
So, the first reason to play lethal/crit garen is to shoot enemy players.
High damage, another reason why you don’t need to build anything on garen other than the lethal and critical parts that it naturally reaches a sufficient level. Its passive allows you to regenerate health and can be used to block and mitigate its effects Lethality & Crit Garen Build – The Easiest Assassin in LoL.
Finally, lethality and critical area garen r, demage cannot affect you, as the ability is real damage due to the missing health of the base. However, you will mostly be using yourself as an executioner, so you don’t even need to look for scale with lethality and critical Lethality & Crit Garen Build – The Easiest Assassin in LoL.
How to One-shot Enemies?
Garen is usually one of the easiest picks you can lock down. But with this lethality build, his playstyle becomes even simpler, often focused on accomplishing one thing – killing enemy champions.
Here’s how he should generally go.
- Step 1: (Optional) Use Prowler’s Claw to get close to your target and increase your damage dealt to them.
- Step 2: Cast Q to silence your target and prevent them from using Flash.
- Step 3: Activate E and follow your target wherever they go.
- Step 4: Use R to complete your target and get the gold reward.
As you can see, the main goal here is to get close to the enemy champion, silence them so they can’t run away, and take them out with a spin-to-win move. With enough lethality, this Q+E+R combo can kill any champion in the game, and I mean ANY!
There are many different strategies you can actually one-shot enemy players. But with a little experience, you can perfect your playstyle Lethality & Crit Garen Build – The Easiest Assassin in LoL.
For example, most enemies will run away from you when they see you, especially if you’ve already shown them what lethal/crit Garen can do. So, you can pick up a control ward and hide in the brush. And when they get close to you, just wipe them out!
With this build, Garen is a really tough champion to fight because you can’t block his damage in any way. And your only condition for winning is to avoid him at all costs. But that’s why you should play aggressively and always stay in their faces.
What Are the Weaknesses of This Build?
There’s no harm in working hard on lethal and critical items on Garen. And the most obvious problem with avoiding tank items is that you’re going to get squishy.
The more your offense improves with this build, the more your defense struggles. This is a really important concept to be aware of, especially if you’re used to playing Garen as a full tank – you’ll take a lot of damage but you’ll also be easier to stop.
On the other hand, let’s say you’re going up against Tryndamere, Kindred, Quinn, Fiora, or Pantheon. These are natural counters to Garen because they can all block his damage and avoid the effects of his R.
And when you’re playing a build that’s specifically designed around dealing damage to Garen’s basic abilities and executing them with his R, this is a bigger problem than usual. In those situations, I recommend playing a tank Garen.
Additionally, you will also find it difficult to kill enemy champions when your Flash and Prowler’s Claw are on cooldown. This is because most opponents will stay away from you and won’t let you get close.
So, be aware of these things before jumping into the game.
The Lethality & Crit Garen Build
- Conqueror
- Conqueror
- Legend: Electirity.
- Coup de Grace
- Eyeball Collection
- Ultimate Hunter
As you can see, the rune page for this build is basically the same as any other Garen build.
Starting with Conqueror, the main reason we picked up this keystone is because it gives us more damage and self-healing in combat. And thanks to his E, Garen stacks it faster than most champions in the game. So, it works perfectly with his ability kit.
Conqueror is here to keep you from dying in close combat. It heals you every time you kill or assist, helping you stay alive.
Legend: Electirity is a must-have rune because Garen’s E scales with attack speed. The rune passively increases your attack speed and the more of this stat you have, the faster Garen moves with Justice.
We take Coup de Grace to increase our damage against low HP enemies. This synergizes with Garen’s R and ensures that the target cannot escape it.
For secondary runs, I mostly choose Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter. The former increases my total AD while the latter shortens the cooldown of my ultimate so I can use it more often.
You can also try Sorceress as your secondary runes, Celerity is one of the best runes for Garen overall.
nYou can add quite a bit of variation to this build and overall playstyle. For example, you could also go for a maximum lethality build on Garen which is definitely effective against squishy enemies. But adding a tank/browser item or two isn’t a bad idea either.
Overall, the deadly Garen is one of the most fun off-meta mid and top lane playstyles you can ever try in League of Legends. And I recommend it wholeheartedly!